Many a heart broke into a million pieces when news broke that Shahid Kapoor was set to get hitched this December. He is allegedly engaged to a Delhi-based girl named Mira Rajput. Well, Shahid has not confirmed the name of his soon-to-be-wife, but the Instagram page of Mira Raput is followed by the official page of Shahid, which gives us a hint that Mira is the one. With much speculation doing the rounds, we decided to go snooping for ourselves. Here are 10 things we found out about Mira Rajput that we bet you didn't know.
1) Mira Rajput is a third-year English (Hons) student at Lady Shri Ram College, and did her schooling from Vasant Valley School.
2) She hails from Chhatarpur, Madhya Pradesh state.
3) Shahid Kapoor met her through the religious group Radha Soami Satsang Beas.
4) According to media reports, Mira is allegedly 21 years old, which makes her 13 years younger than Shahid.
5) Although Shahid Kapoor has not named his fiancée, Mira is supposedly the one as Shahid Kapoor follows her on Instagram too.
6) Mira has previously done an internship with the United Nations.
7) Mira Raput is an intelligent woman who scored the 10th rank in Delhi University's CATE (Common Admission Test in English).
8) It’s a well-known fact that Shahid loves music. And Mira's social media profiles suggest that she too has keen interest in music and is fan of singers like Avril Lavigne, Beyonce and Demi Lovato. What a match!
9) Soon-to-be star wife, Mira allegedly started removing friends from her Facebook profile who could leak information about her. Currently her Facebook profile isn’t available and she made all her social media pages strictly private.
10) Mira previously dated a model, Aditya Lal. The relationship supposedly lasted two years.
All images are either from Facebook or from Instagram unless stated otherwise.
Photo: © Facebook/Instagram (Main Image)